
Hottie (new official blog name for husband) is the reason that we've fallen down the rabbit hole.  While deployed to Iraq last year he had the grand idea to go back into the military full time to continue to play soldier.  I jest, but in all seriousness, he made a spectacular re-commitment to serving our country.

I was cool with it because he's a pretty rocking leader and looks FANTASTIC in uniform. Plus, I was obviously all about being lazy and just following around my sugar daddy (per my previous post) in order to avoid the pressure to succeed as a normal adult.  I'm kind of over overachievement at the moment.

Soooo....we wait and wait and wait and wait for our next assignment with the active duty component.  We submitted our preferences for where we wanted to be stationed.  It was a dream list that looked a little something like this:

1. San Francisco, CA
2. Sacramento, CA
3. Seattle, WA
4. Portland, OR
5. Honolulu, HI
6. Germany

Seriously, how can you lose with a request list like that?  Apparently you can lose pretty big by being over-ambitious.

It was like 6 months of waiting so I ended up having to get one of those things called a job in the mean time.  FINALLY, Hottie gets a call with the possible assignments that we can chose from.  He calls me in a panic.

Hottie:  You are going to divorce me.

Me: What are you talking about?

Hottie:  I just received our options for orders that we can take.

Me:  Spit it out -- what are they?  Give me the good ones first.

Hottie:  Um.  There really are no really good ones.

Me:  Well, they can't be all that bad.

Hottie:  Okay, option number one:  Fort Polk, Louisiana.

Me: Where in the hell is that?

Hottie: Exactly.  It's in the middle of nowhere in northern Louisiana.

Me:  Nope, not going there.

Hottie:  Okay, next option: Fort Bliss with an immediate deployment to Afghanistan.

Me:  You are not leaving me by myself in the El Paso kitty litter box.  

Hottie: Okay. Next is Korea.

My mind starts spinning wildly.  In comparison to the rest of our options, Korea sounds like an exotic wonderland of adventure.  I have been feeling pretty bored lately, after all.

Me:  Let's go there.

Hottie:  Are you serious? Do you know anything about Korea?

Me:  No, but it's on the other side of the world, and that's good enough for me.

And that's how I landed in Wonderland.


  1. I have the coolest wife in the world! -Hottie

  2. LOVE. IT! I'm thinking about doing a blog during Andrew's next deployment and you are inspiring me!!!


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